Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Python code to process CPC 3007 data

# this code process the one minutes cpc data and convert it to each seconds

import xlrd, xlwt, datetime
from array import array

fileName1 = '06082015.xlsx'
f1WorkBook = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName1)

#check sheet names
sheetName = f1WorkBook.sheet_names()
# select the first sheet
f1Sheet1 = f1WorkBook.sheet_by_index(0)
sn = 19
en = 147
#copy and paste the header lines, row 0 to 17
header = [f1Sheet1.row(r) for r in range(18)]
#header = [f1Sheet1.cell_value(row, col) for col in range(2) for row in range(18)]
print header[0]

### ----------This section deals with header---------------------------
newWorkBook = xlwt.Workbook()
newsheet = newWorkBook.add_sheet('processed_'+fileName1[0:8])

for rowIndex, rowValue in enumerate(header):
    for colIndex, cellValue in enumerate(rowValue):
        newsheet.write(rowIndex, colIndex, cellValue.value)
###-------This part deals with the time column---------------------------------
time = [f1Sheet1.cell_value(row, col) for col in range(2) for row in range(sn-1,en)]
newTime = [0]*((en-sn)*60) # create an empty vector
newTime[0] = time[0]
print newTime[0]

for i in range(0, en-sn):
    for j in range(0,60):
        #if j+60*i <70: font="">
         #   print j+60*i
        newTime[j+60*i] = newTime[0]+(j+60*i)/(1440*60.0)

for rowIndex in range(18, 18+(en-sn)*60):
    #print rowIndex
    newsheet.write(rowIndex, 0, newTime[rowIndex-18])  
###---------This section deals with the concentrations -----------------------

conc = [f1Sheet1.cell_value(row,col) for col in range(1,2) for row in range(sn-1, en)]
newConc = [0]*((en-sn)*60)
for i in range(0, en-sn):
    for j in range(0,60):
        newConc[j+60*i] = conc[i]

for rowIndex in range(18, 18+(en-sn)*60):
    newsheet.write(rowIndex, 1, newConc[rowIndex-18])

### ------------------Save file  

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