Monday, November 28, 2011

remove any rows that contains a specific number in Matlab

In this post, I am trying to solve the problem given in the comments of one of the old post.
Here's the problem, if I understand it correctly:

a =

     1     2     3     4     5
     2     3     4   -99     6
     3     4     5     6     7
     4   -99     6     7     8
     5     6     7     8     9

How to remove all the rows that contains the number -99, in this case, the row #2 and #4?

And here's the code I wrote to do this job:

[rows col]=size(a); %count the number of rows and columns of matrix a
j=0; %initialize a counter;
for i=1: rows
    if sum(a(i,:)~=-99)==col; %This determines if the row has -99 or not, if not, do nothing
    else     %shift all of the rest of the rows up one row
        for m=i: rows-1; 
        j=j+1; %count how many rows has -99, which equals how many times the rows has been shifted up 
b=a((1:rows-j),:); %get rid of the last j rows

The result is:

b =

     1     2     3     4     5
     3     4     5     6     7
     5     6     7     8     9

I hope this can work for you, Winifred. Thanks for your comments!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

calculate average of every 5 cells in Excel

I have some data sampled at a rate of 1 sample per minutes. However, to use them as input for the following calculation, I have to convert them to the 5 minutes average. Simply put, I want to let B1=average(A1:A5), B2=average(A6:A10), B3=average(A11:A15), ... til B10=average(A46:A50).

I tried VBA code in Excel but didn't make it work. Then I tried Matlab-the code works but it's troublesome to copy/paste all the data between Excel and Matlab back and forth. Finally I figured out a simple way to do this in Excel, by using the OFFSET, ROW, and INDIRECT functions.

The formula to put in cell B1 is:


The Row(A1) returns the row number of the cell, which is '1' in this case. So the INDIRECT("A"&ROW(A1)) *5-4, 0,0,5,1) returns the cell A1 to A5. When dragged to cell B2, the INDIRECT("A"&ROW(A2)) *5-4, 0,0,5,1) returns the cell A6 to A10. So I can drag this formula all the way down to B10 to finish this task.

The file looks like this:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to concatenate two datasets in Matlab?

I wanted to vertically combine two datasets, so I can keep a long file of all the test results. The join function does not work here anymore. Of course this is even not a problem in Excel. However, to make it work in Matlab, it did took me a while to figure it out.

c=cat(1, a, b)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Excel slope function vs linest function

To get the slope of a pair of x and y, usually I first plot the curve and then add the trend line.
Actually there are two functions in Excel to help me do this. The first one is the 'SLOPE' function. However, it only gives what is shown by the red trend line (slope=0.25). The second one is 'LINEST' function, which is more flexible. By setting the third parameters in the function to 'False', it automatically set the intercept to zero (slope=0.36).

'LINEST=(y series, x series, False)'

my-alpine and docker-compose.yml

 ``` version: '1' services:     man:       build: .       image: my-alpine:latest   ```  Dockerfile: ``` FROM alpine:latest ENV PYTH...